Here is what people say about "TIMELESS JOURNEY":
“What an amazing combination of great talent. The place was packed! I was lucky to get a seat for a few minutes”.
(Chris Calaba, Los Angeles, CA)
"Two Thumbs Up!!!"
(Joe Cuello, Former Senior Vice President at MTV)
“Loving it!!”
(Sandy Kinney, Fairmont, PA)
“This Band with Franky Dee on vocals is truly awesome! It is the closest to the real Journey that I have ever seen! Can't wait for the next show!”
(Sinia Hermoza, Lima, Peru)
“Awesome Show!! Excellent Musicianship!”
(Ben Mills, Los Angeles, CA)
“I knew that with these guys it would be good, but last night's show was even better than I expected! Keep us informed!!!”
(Richard Dockus, Palmdale, CA)
(Rebecca Hale, Tallasse, AL)
“I was there last night it was a great show... good time and good friends,,,, you need to get out and see these guys were great...”
(Andrea Henderson, Rosamond, CA)