Timeless Journey...
...is a true tribute and reincarnation of the legendary band Journey
where you will re-live or experience for the first time
how it was like to be part of the audience at a Journey concert!
Timeless Journey is as close to the real deal as it gets!
From the superb interpretation of Steve Perry's voice by vocalist
Franky Dee to the accurate and powerful performance of the music
by So Cal's finest musicians,
Timeless Journey has set sails to amaze even the most critical Journey fan!
Now get ready to immerse yourself within the sounds and visions of...
Timeless Journey
...is a true tribute and reincarnation of the legendary band Journey
where you will re-live or experience for the first time
how it was like to be part of the audience at a Journey concert!
Timeless Journey is as close to the real deal as it gets!
From the superb interpretation of Steve Perry's voice by vocalist
Franky Dee to the accurate and powerful performance of the music
by So Cal's finest musicians,
Timeless Journey has set sails to amaze even the most critical Journey fan!
Now get ready to immerse yourself within the sounds and visions of...
Timeless Journey
Please scroll down to see detailed info on each band member.